

Killing zombie are like that funny!

Everything could be your weapon during the game.  Meanwhile, you should hurry to save people in time.  Overall, this game of model is seem as last episode.  You have to let the bad ending happen for level up first.  Then, this is the funny time to kill zombie when your re-open the file for good ending.

The story is quite simply for talking about the zombie around the city.  At that time, the character of purpose is save his daughter.  The graphic better than last episode obviously, but the game pattern is almost the same.  Its can say as old wine in new bottle, but the type of wine you may not feel tired.   

This game launched after 3 month and the price drop deeply to HKD 90 with no reason.  However, this game is very good.  Furthermore, the playing are feel freedom that you can explore your unique pleasure in it. 

There is a new version of Dead Rising 2(As above picutre).  The main character changed who is from the last episode, but this version has been confirmed as same content.  You are no need headache to collect both of them, just choose 1 is okay. 

Finally, here to introduce the game music.  The music style seem arrived to the HONG KONG Festival Walk.  To enjoy it and just check the link:Dead Rising 2 Soundtrack - VIP Lounge

